Saturday, August 24, 2013

Words Never Tasted So Good

Haylee and I hanging out on the swings in Harrison, Idaho
There have been many times in my life that I have eaten my own words. Like saying I’d never hit a tree skiing or that I would never live in Lewiston, Idaho. While both of those events, when they occurred, were not the most pleasant times in my life I still walked away with something. The tree left scars and Lewiston gave me asthma. It is funny how often it happens that I say I will NEVER EVER do something and then not too long after that I turn around and do just that. I suppose that’s just karma doing its job. 

Recently, karma has kicked me square in the bottom and changed the way I think, the way I live, and the things I want in life. All for the better. I don’t expect anyone to completely understand what has happened in my life during the last six months. How could you anyways? After all, you are not me. All I can tell you is that I’m happier now than I have ever been in my whole life. If you can’t understand that then, likely, we aren’t close friends. 

The evening I proposed
The words that I recently ate that seemed to satisfy some hunger deep within my soul were the following, “I will never get engaged/married quickly.” Yep, that’s right, I’m engaged. And I couldn’t be happier. I have to apologize to anyone who I ever gave a hard time to who progressed quickly in a relationship, I get it now. Haylee and I have had many experiences that have led us to this point in our lives and that is all that needs to be said. 
Skiing at Grand Targhee Ski Resort, Wyoming
Just in case you are wondering how we met it goes like this: The first time was rock climbing. A few months went by and we met again in a ski class. We saw each other each week but nothing more. Then we were snowed-in in Driggs and spent the evening together while waiting for roads to open. First date was March 2012 in Ashton, Idaho we went snowmobiling. The semester ended and I was transferring so things ended. A year went by and we decided we wanted to make things work. So we did. 
Our first date March 2012
This past week was a pretty monumental week in our relationship as we became engaged. I don’t feel like sharing all the details with the world, because really it’s not for the world to know. I will say a few words about that day though. While we were rock climbing earlier in the day I had a knot of excitement in my stomach and it was hard to contain myself. When Haylee began to realize what was happening it was so much fun to watch her face light up. I fell in love with her all over again at least 100 different times that evening. And most importantly, she said “Yes!”
While eating words can be painful and humiliating at times I am happy to report that the words that I’ve been eating as of late are the best I’ve ever eaten. I’ve learned more about myself in the last six months than any other time in my life. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I found the one person that literally means everything to me. It is really a very small thing to eat a few words in order to experience all of that. I’m sure that I will eat my own words many more times in my life, but I have a hard time thinking that any could taste better than these…
Watching Taylor water ski on lake Coeur d' Alene

Sadie should float right?

Hanging out on the boat

Mountain biking on Moscow Mountain

On the trail

The lookout we biked to

Climbing in Post Falls, Idaho

Post Climbing, still smiling

Deathfall Wall

At the boardwalk in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho

Random band playing in downtown Coeur d' Alene

Our ride to dinner

All smiles here!

Views over Lake Coeur d' Alene

Haylee being really happy

We made it to dinner with time to spare

The best ice cream in all of Harrison...maybe the only ice cream too.

This is for the girls.

Not a bad spot for dinner if you ask me.

Haylee in the wheat field by my parent's home

Dropping Haylee off at the airport, definitely not fun!!