Friday, December 14, 2012

God's Love

This morning I was able to take a few hours to get away from studying for my finals and take a bike ride. I decided to ride up the Lewiston grade via the Old Spiral Highway. It was a beautiful morning, I might add very cold as well. I slithered my way up the 2,000 foot climb in and out of the fog. Halfway up the hill I even ran into a snow flurry leaving a thin layer of snow covering the road. The sound of my tires rolling through the snow and the gears turning on my bike were enough to make me feel like I was in heaven. It only got better when I got to the top of the hill. As you can see from the pictures it was as if I had found the road straight to heaven. Whenever I ride I am amazed at this earth that our Heavenly Father has created for us to inhabit. It truly is a beautiful place to live.

 I promptly forgot about the view as I road down the hill at a brisk pace because my feet were beginning to go numb. Upon returning home and deicing my feet by the heater I received news of a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut. As I heard the details I thought of my nieces and nephews and how precious they are to me. I cannot even come close to imagining the pain and anguish the friends and family of those harmed in the shooting are feeling. I couldn't help but shed a few tears for them. I wished I could just put my arms around them, words aren't enough.

I imagine that there are many people who are wondering where God is these days. I can assure you He sees what is going on, and I'm sure He is just as troubled as we are by what happens these days. It is foolish to reject God on the basis that bad things happen so why doesn't He do something about it. I firmly believe that God lives. He loves each and every human being on this planet. While I may not understand why bad things have to happen to such innocent people such as children, I do know that He is looking after us. He only wants us to be happy.

In my opinion now is no time for politics. Republican and Democrat alike we hear yelling on either side who is right and who is wrong. I feel that at this moment in time, everyone is at fault. Bad things don't happen because of Republicans or Democrats. Bad things happen because bad people have been around as long as the human race as been on this earth. Our society is clearly doing something wrong if we have been seeing an increase in bad things. I might add that I am a strong believer that this country and its constitution were founded by the help and inspiration of God. Having said that, I find it insane that people deny His existence in a country that He helped found. Perhaps our society is drifting from God? Could that be a reason for an influx in bad things within the last few decades?

I have my opinions and I don't mean to force them upon anyone, but I do feel that with all the bad influence in this world that the good people need to voice their opinion, loudly. I do not claim to be a perfect person but I strive to be a good person. I know that there is more good out there than bad. I have seen too many kind people in my life to believe otherwise.

I am grateful for this country which I live in. I know that it is a blessed land and I never want to take that for granite. I am grateful for my family and friends and the good influences they have on me. Most of all I am grateful for a God who show us His love in a multitude of ways each day. We simply have to take the time to recognize them.
